This blog is all about my handmade business and the tools I use for success! Thank you for stopping by! Please stay & play a while... browse through my post archive, look where I've been featured, click on other site's buttons, and more! Share related articles of your own! Leave comments on posts you like & suggestions on ones you don't! Let's be friends (:
EtsyFriends' Earth Day Challenge
April 12 - 22
10 People Will Win an EtsyFriends' Sample Box!
Click here to VOTE NOW & ENTER TO WIN!
30 October 2008
My Autumn Bracelet is a "Great Find"

28 October 2008

27 October 2008
won another giveaway, in another treasury, and got a free gift!!

^ I won this cleansing sage from a Walk In The Woods blog giveaway, or what she calls a "whimsy"! She used a recycled magazine page as an envelope and the sage is fabulous! THANK YOU!^ Amy from AMOzarkian included my Peitersite Gemstone Bracelet in this treasury(top row, third column)! THANK YOU! Make sure to search "etsyfriends team" on Etsy to see more of the team member's handmade treasures!
^ Katherine from Reiter8 gave me this recycled sail mini wallet just because I gave her shop it's 1500th heart!! Everything in Reiter8 is amazing and very earth friendly! You see she used a subway map as wrapping paper for my mini wallet (: And her business card is printed on the back of a ceral box! The pieces in her shop are all made from recycled sails; She's got tote bags, mini wallets, pillows and more! Thank you sooo much, Katherine for my free gift!
Thanks for reading and don't forget to check out the shops mentioned today!
22 October 2008

Thanks again Nikki for including me (:
21 October 2008
Renewed Love
So, I spent most of yesterday playing around on YouTube watching all sorts of "how-to" crochet videos. I found an awesome channel that has just about 400 different videos. The woman behind it all is a fabulous teacher, and everything I tried yesterday, I was able to make with no problems because her teaching was so clear and uber understandable! You should definitely check her out at http://www.youtube.com/user/tjw1963! Come to think of it... search around you tube for help, tips, and advice on ANY craft you may do!

I am also looking into crocheting "rag-style"! It's done by taking freshly laundered linens(pillowcases, sheets, etc), cutting them into strips, and connecting the strips to makeup the 'yarn'! You can also use plastic bags!

19 October 2008
Sending out my finished promos (:
^ Custom Buttons & Tags
^ Back of Tags
^ Front, Style One
^ Front, Style Two
Click images for a larger view!!!
I've done a previous posts about the custom tags... you can view them here and here.
Thanks for reading/looking at my promotional items!
If you have a promo opportunity, I'd love for you to share it!!
17 October 2008
I've been tagged....
I am usually not one to do these sort of things, but I would feel bad being the only one that didn't do it for HeatherKnitz (: So here goes.......
Here are the rules:
-Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
-Share seven facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
-Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
-Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
(1) I've been vegetarian for nine years.... and I try to be as vegan as possible.
(2) Most of the the jewelry I make, I wouldn't wear... it just not my style, but I love making it!
(3) I'm huge bookworm! I've read Pandora by Anne Rice five times... and the story is never going to get old to me.
(4) I was a competitive swimmer for 11 years (seven to eighteen).... I miss it terribly!
(5) I always feel better after having a quad espresso.
(6) I crave change... "Keep your coins, I want change!"
(7) I have a chronic ongoing illness and I've stopped taking my meds as they weren't helping anways. I don't have much faith in medicine and my boyfriend is in college... Pre-Med.
^ Is that interestings enough??
Now for the people I tagged....
16 October 2008
EtsyFriend's SWEET TREAT SALE!!!
Happy Shopping!
15 October 2008
Thank You Feature on Sygnet Creations
(1) Who are you?
My name is Amanda. I am the owner of Sygnet Creations. I am also a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend.
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
My shop is called Sygnet Creations. Cygnet is the name for a baby swan. My husband grew up being the sygnet of his household (his last name is Swan) and when we married I took on that name.
(3) What do you create and sell?
I specialize is 'Unique Fabric Needs' to suit the individual personality and style. I sell fun neck pillows, blankets of all sizes, aprons, and more.
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
My family plays a big part of what I make and sell. The travel neck pillows were created when I could not find one to fit my son's neck. Blankets of course are my very first creations and there is nothing more special than a blanket made especialy for YOU!

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?
Ohhh there are so many but I really fell in love with the fabrics I used to make the monkey twin blanket. It is ultra soft and the perfect size for snuggling on the sofa or curling up in bed with a good book. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9245085
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
It is my only paid job.. but not my ONLY job by far. I also run a military household and raise 4 beatiful children. On occassion, I have been known to plan and organize events.
(7) When did you start your business?
I started Sygnet Creations in April of 2007 but I didn't open shop on Etsy until Aug 2 2007
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
Just over one year.

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?
Yes I also sell in person and through my website http://sygnetcreations.com
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
I love the community feel. I enjoy the way others work together and answer questions when needed.
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
Yes I am a member of the Homefront team made up of Military spouses and loved ones. I am a member of Team SASsy where we help mentor young sellers with all the aspects of selling on Etsy. Last but not least I am the Team Leader and one of the founding member of the EtsyFriends Team. This team is by far one of the closest groups and I am very proud to know each and everyone of our members by name.
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?
No I only have the one as I love to be a one stop shop... I often think about opening another for woodwork but that will be further down the road.

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?
Right now I am included in The Spotted Box, and The Little Black Box. These are boxes filled with samples from companies like myself where consumers can get an idea of what we sell before buying a fullsized item. I also use project wonderful, craigslist, craft forums, and directories.
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
Lol, Hmmmm Spare time... That is a word I do use often but when ever I can grab a moment to myself I like to bowl with my family and sometimes we even join a league.
(15) What is your blog or website url?
http://sygnetcreations.blogspot.com is my main blog but I write for many =)
http://sygnetcreations.com is my business website.
(16) Are there any blogs you follow regularly?
I follow a couple of my friends and try to keep up with new tips and tricks for selling online.. There is no one specific blog that I read regularly.

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?
I keep my eyes on my ladies from the EtsyFriends and I try to keep up with some of the soap makers... I just love sooo many that it is hard to keep up with just one =)
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
Be friendly and personable with your customers. When talking in the forums keep your wits about you and only comment in heated discussion when the words you use are those that a child could read.... you can't take it back no matter how much you wish you could. Although online selling can be done in your PJs it is better to act as though you are in your office.... This is your business.. Make sure you opperate as a business no matter where you are online!
And so you have it... Everything you need to know about Sygnet Creations and owner Amanda (: Don't forget to browse around on her blog, her website, and her Etsy shop!
I hope you enjoied this feature as much as I do and Thank you for reading!
08 October 2008
Giveaway #1 = a super cute handmade Halloween pendant from Hoyden Designs!!

She included a sweet thank you card, and a free bookmark of one of her prints, which just actually happens to be my most favorite artwork of hers (: I can't wait to string and wear this pendant! THANK YOU!
Giveaway #2 = Pomegranate Soap and Lotion set from Soap Deli!!

First of all, I reallllly wanted to win this one! I love pomegrante and I love handmade soap! This stuff smells AMAZING! I got that large bottle of lotion and the 4oz bar of soap from the giveaway and she also included two product samples and discount coupon for a future purchase! In the top of the photograph is the sampe of Lavendar Mint soap, and oh my goodness, it's wonderful! My boyfriend even loved it, haha! The smell reminds me of the soaps in a fancy bed and breakfast I stayed at in Savannah, GA this summer! I think I will have to go purchase a full 4oz bar of it! The other sample is in the bottom of the photograph; It's raspberry vanilla lotion! And again... it's fabulous! I will definetely be shopping at Soap Deli again! And for the men in your life (who are always hard to buy gifts for), she has quite a variety of masculine scented soaps (: THANK YOU!
I've never won a blog giveaway until these two and I feel very lucky to have done so! Thank you to those who helped make this happen! And you should really check out the blogs and shops I've mentioned... I promise it's well worth your time!
07 October 2008
My Promo Items Part 2
Susan's Greetings has finished my custom promo tags (: I just received them in the mail late last week! Below are some pictures! Susan makes all kinds of paper goodies! She has tags, thank you/birthday cards, holiday cards, wedding/engagment cards, and more!! You should really check out her shop! Also, I have designed some custom one inch buttons from BadgeTown to attach to the tags! Click here to view the button image. These tags will be sent out to three other shops so they can use them in "swap bags" at craft/art/handmade shows they are participating in soon!

My Recent Purchases!

^ This cute little tote bag is from Nikki at Kaleidoscope Korner. We made a trade... I made graphics for her new Etsy shop (Heavenly Baubles) and I got to pick anything from her shop that was $15! I had been eyeing this bag for quite some time, so it all worked out perfect!

^ This handmade 4oz bar of chocolate espresso soap from KreatedByKarina is simply amazing! I was a barista before I moved (in August), so when I saw this, I just HAD to have it! Turns out Karina (the shop owner) was previosuly a barista in Canada! All of her soaps are to die more! Make sure to check out her Etsy shop and also her website at http://www.SoapThatMakesScents.com!

^ This purchase was my second from Beadeux. She has been very helpful to me with my handformed earwires and headpins. A HUGE thank you goes out to her! Also, her packaging is super cute! If you are looking for a variety of chains and wire, then her shop is for you (:

^ I have been looking for these small glass flower shaped beads for quite some time; I've been waiting for the perfect one. When I came across these in TheSupplyShoppe I knew they were what I'd been waiting for... just the right size and color with just the right (cheap) price!

^ I purchased this pack of 30 4x6 pieces of high quality paper from SillyFlower. She's having a great sale, so I couldn't resist this pack of fun patterns and colors!
------ Okay folks, well that does it! Hope you liked my little picture blog, and I really hope you check out each and every shop I mentioned on this post! I wouldn't blog about them if they were terrible (:
Have a nice Tuesday everyone!
XOX ~ Mannie