Be warned... The two shops in my feautre today are amazing!! I've previously wrote about Heavenly Baubles and I'm back for part two since now she's had a few days of being opened! And Carapace included me in her
Friday Five EtsyFriends Team Feature, so I am returning a sweet very justure (:
Heavenly Baubles ~ Reminded of His Love through Beauty!This is Nikki's new shop which just opened Friday night. Her BOGO Grand Opening sale, which is buy one, get the second 30% off, is going on until 9/28. Participate in that sale before it's over! She's made beautiful pieces with a lot of meaning & symbolism. She definately isn't one to push religious views on anyone; You can read her reason for opening this shop in
this post from her blog. Here are a few of my favorite pieces of her shop (in no order)...

(1) This bag is soo cute & original! As Nikki says, "Think cellular phone signal, Can you hear Him now? How is your signal with Him? Do you wish for a clearer, stronger signal?"

(2) This charm bracelet has so much symbolism! It's tells the story of Christ's life. Each bracelet is custom made to order, but will include all the pieces to re-create Christ's journey on your wrist!

(3) I personally love this piece because (a) it's simple, it's radient and (b) it's my favorite color! This purple quartz necklace is a reminder of His grace and forgiveness.
(4) This is probably my most favorite thing in Heavenly Baubles! She did an amazing job creating the nest! This "Bird of Heaven" necklace is inspired from Matthew 6:26 "Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them."
To see and learn more about Heavenly Baubles, please visit her Etsy Shop and her blog. I'd also like you to visit her other shop, KaleidoscopeKorner, where she just unveiled her KaleidoscopeKids, which are available right now, 2 for $10!
Carapace ~ armor against a grey day!Cara's shop offers some of the most beautiful, original illustration I've ever come across. It's flowy & fun, and her descriptions are the best (: Each piece has a story that she tells quite eloquently! She also offers very unique, handmade pendants! Here are a few of my favorites from her shop...
(1) This gorgoues pendant, is handmade from a real sunflower leaf, cpatures the "fall colors" perfectly!! It's it's super unique!
(2) Another unique, but smaller pendant. Her description for this one is lovely (: Here's an excerpt, "She's very light and shy, and would like to make it clear that she won't get in the way. But she would like to see a bit of the world, and love to read any good books you might happen to persue while wearing her.And if she should happen to be used as a bookmark, that would be fine with her, too."
(3) This is my favorite Original Illustartion from her collection. It's the "portrait" of Aegir's oldest daughter. Through this piece, Cara & I were about to discover our love of the Norse Mythos was shared (: I may just have to buy this from her! You must read her description of this for yourself; It's fabulous!
(4) This Original Illustration portrays laughing sunflowers! This piece is so fun! It instantly makes me smile everytime I see it!
To see and learn more about Carapace, please visit her Etsy Shop & her blog.
I really hope this shows you the true talent of these two fellow etsians! I am still trying to decide how I am going to do this, but I'd really like to do a few features a week on other Etsy shops. It helps get there shops out there, and it's fun for me to do! If you've got any ideas/suggestions, I'd love to have them (:
Also, please comment & let me know how you like this double feature! I really appreciate the feedback!